Thursday, August 4, 2016

Top 10 Tech Tools - #4 - Green Screen by DoInk

#4 - Green Screen by DoInk
Everybody wants to be a super star right? Well with Green Screen by DoInk all your students can have the chance to be super stars while sharing what they have learned! Green Screen by DoInk is a super simple Green Screen app available for the iPad. It costs $2.99 and it's the best $2.99 you can spend for your classroom!  

One of my favorite parts about it is how easy it is to use. I love that I can quickly teach my 2nd graders how to use the app and then they are easily able to create amazing videos themselves. I believe that allowing students to be the creators truly empowers them and Green Screen by DoInk is so simple that it allows for this to occur. 

As you can see, students are the actors, the producers, the videographers, and even the editors. These projects are completely student created! 

My 2nd grade students have created green screen videos on animals, ocean animals, insects, dinosaurs, habitats, cultures, and more! You can have so much fun with this app! The possibilities are endless!

I like to give my students choice when possible. As culminating projects for units I often give my students several choices for their final projects. These choices include: written reports, posters, Pic Collages, Book Creator books, Google Slides, Thinglinks, Nearpods, and Green Screen movies. Overwhelmingly, Green Screen is almost always the most popular choice. 

An added bonus to students creating green screen videos is that they get a lot of fluency practice. As students write their scripts and practice them for their videos they are working on their fluency. Often times students will record their video and when they watch it back they reflect on their fluency, practice their script some more, and then re-record with improved fluency. 

Another bonus - teaching students about responsible use when finding background images. Using Green Screen by DoInk gives me the opportunity to teach my students about finding images that are labeled for reuse (I enjoy using Creative Commons, or using the Google search tools for this). This is an excellent lesson in being responsible digital citizens!

Other green screen ideas:
  • Use a poster board and student created puppets with green straws
  • Green screen books reviews
  • Take still frames and use as writing prompts (ex: If I was stuck in a snow globe...)
  • Character interviews
  • Biography interviews
  • Digital story telling
  • App Smash - Allow students to create their own backgrounds in Book Creator

Still not sure about green screen? Check out this slideshow:

For more information visit:

Happy Green Screening!

1 comment:

  1. My kids go to MSD. I teach 5th grade as well. Id like to collaborate as a PLN w you. I use a lot of apps including this one and builtcmy own app in 2015 with my business team. : found you on Twitter by accident
